In 2000 the Clay Mathematics Institute (CMI), headquartered in Cambridge (Massachusetts) proposed for the new millennium a number of new questions that should engage mathematicians in the next few decades (or centuries!). The questions were referred Millennium Prize Problems , and while the (CMI) a non-profit foundation, in the case were solved lead one million dollars in the pockets of the solver.
problems to be solved have been proposed by a number of scholars representing the world's best intelligence: Atiyah, Bombieri (only Italian but lives long in the U.S.), Connes, Deligne, Fefferman, Milnor, Mumford, Wiles, and Witten.
E 'news a few days ago that the Russian mathematician Grigoriy Perelman has solved the " Poincare Conjecture ", a of seven questions . We explain briefly what it is. There is a branch of mathematics called topology and studying the properties of shapes and forms that do not change when they undergo the continuous deformation, ie without tearing, gluing, or overlap . Through the use of the tools of Topology was too risky a " mathematical definition of God .
are defined homeomorphic two objects that can be deformed into one another continuously . For example a cube and a sphere are homeomorphic as are a box and a dodecahedron. are not homeomorphic with a sphere and a donut hole (called bull ) as a deformation that is impossible to bring them to a coincidence.
In topology is very important to the concept of variety ( manifold treaties in English) which comprises an area locally similar to a Euclidean space . For example the Earth's surface is locally like a plane in two dimensions . The very concept of map comes from this property of being able to assimilate the local area in a two-dimensional Euclidean space. A variety is called simply connected if it is made of a piece and has no holes. This statement is a bit 'itself can be made rigorous introducing the concept of walking or snare .
The Poincaré conjecture can be enunciated as follows:
Every simply connected three-dimensional variety is homeomorphic to a sphere in 3 dimensions.The same statement can be made for a variety n dimensions . Paradoxically, this property has already been proved for spaces with four or more dimensions while for one or two dimensions is trivial . Are 3-manifolds the only one for which the problem was not solved yet.
Grigoriy Perelman Institute Steklov of St. Petersburg had already addressed these issues four years ago, making sure the attention of the whole scientific world. His approach was in fact interesting for its connections to some aspects of theoretical physics such String Theory . Less than a week ago there was the informed the CMI announcing that the Russian scholar had finally solved the riddle.
now I learn from a article Print that this genius of science, considered as the smartest person in the world , living in absolute poverty in his modest home invaded by cockroaches. Despite this stated refuse the prize of one million dollars for the solution of " Poincaré Conjecture .
seems that in this country is experiencing the pressures to accept the money and donates some humanitarian organization, but he states already have everything they need . The comparison with the star of " A Beautiful Mind " famous Oscar-winning film is inevitable.
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