BITETTO - And the curse of the last 10 minutes more. After a game played well and almost always kept on a tie, are critical once again "running out of game" where we lose the sense of position and the right ideas to score. Just mark continues to be our problem, where just to enlarge the "tally" or make jokes with the other players will lose great opportunities. The game begins well, with the advantage of a 1-0 mill, but then the team captained by Juan Spezzacapa (return after 3 months of injury) and begins to smooth her port cover 1-1. The advantage of the opponents came after a large flash of game played in equilibrium, but will enhance the return is good at everything all at once at 2-2. Begin to arrive the first signs of slowing down, mill goes into defense for fatigue and therefore we are forced to attack our "Carriolao ... and that is saying something. Smooth, glide and missed shots take the result on the Spezzacap 4-2 for United. Back on defense, Troccoli back to play well, in fact, are significant signs of improvement over recent games, much to go back to 4-4 thanks to two goals strengthen the sills. The rest you can guess how it ends .. Enhance (3 goals, but not in some perfect choices) puts in the tired defense, the mill began to feel pains in my legs and back Carriolao in attack ... Result: 7-4 and all at home, after 7 and 9-10 poles of the United Spezzacap sharp wasted by our actions.

missing an exit, but not to blame the other 6 goals. Provides a good performance and excellent saves. The adjective is always the same: GUARANTEE.

is learning to do the movements well defense, but when it goes on attack is outrageous. 6 for bailouts, 4 for the attacks. IN RUNNING.

For once, it does not hurt anyone, do not get hurt and no bullshit. A few loose ball in midfield, but good placements and interventions. POSITIVE.

You can not put less than six letters to a player who scored 3 goals. It should be said that he missed the last step and speed choices. Enough.

too many wrong actions, during the creation and finalization, do not get 6 voting, although it has committed well in both attack and defense. Squanderer.
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