Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Why Does Cockapoo Vomit ?

n0n can follow this blog, facebook, the lives of real relationships, the lavoro.pero 'doubt about the Secretary-minister-magliettabludecorata Bertolaso, the manager (?) that sends Marchionne to take the pumpkin ravioli in Parma with the helicopter , blue shirt and helicopters, the snow that messes up the plans (?) every day, Sicily and, finally, he says, the league more and more 'blatantly thieving, Tg1 always more' honest 'house, the spirit of democracy, from below, which displaces the former Basaglia left and the bigots, and can 'become discriminative for a communist movement, in solidarity, a measure of man, the strike of migrants who, beyond the' call to the reality of the 'non-fake manager, reminds us that there is still strike ... A Pescomaggiore fight the earthquake, especially television-shirt decorated with the construction of a community 'label, especially in the soul (see map, No. 3 2010, the streets (escape?) dedicated Craxi, another statesman and politician misunderstood, the destruction of public school (the remains) 's anGelmini, not the retirement of D'Alema and Veltroni (how many pensions are the two ex-comrades?), the retirement of Fiat after the condoned damage left and right, respect for workers in many Termini Imerese (but the financiers, the Riss, the Ross, the ethics of the Catholic popes where are they?) never considered, the fake amazement on the famous habit, and unfortunately not only, we make it only to cocaine in the confessional, the undersecretary Fazio (so called ', and' disappeared) who wanted (needed) to place the vaccines and even the cows' in Haiti for the Spa protez.civ.?, Security Tab and the mayors of the various center and then a little 'left, using the city police as Praetorian Guard, and the joyous
incazzatura of many comrades, brothers and sisters scattered in our beautiful country
led me to write something, not because' it is essential or helpful but 'cause we need to rediscover the pleasure of speaking, to confront and to report our accodiscendenza not this big brother, mobster, false glitter, pimp, operated, we have many topics of life, dream and hope that we will not delegate to anyone, nor a racist, mobsters, fascists, ex riunite.Ciao cowardice of so many, even though I read it alone ... let us unite our thoughts. In Italy


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